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so sleep alone tonight
Hello there, I'm a 13-year-old male student and a Teekayear who resides in super sunny Singapore.I like tissue paper but I'm not a fan of chocolate. I walk around Orchard Road every weekend in my carrot costume. I've figured that I already lost my sanity a long time ago. Hehe,perhaps he ruffy has his Laughteras a hobby :D. Well,Laugh all thou shall hav fun:D. |
About this blog
This blog was opened by Raphael to accommodate his mindless musings and daily rantings.Do enjoy your stay here, and don't take what's not yours! affiliates
AngelicaAurelia Cheryl Ang Dawn Desirene FengYu Jolene Kathy Keith Koh Keithy Marin(takoyaki) Melissa MunKeong Nara Nic Ong Sarah Shawn Sheryl Tan Siya Shu En Sze Min Victoria Wei Chieh Sze Min archives
Design: doughnutcrazyIcon: morphine_kissed Do credit accordingly if you changed the icon. |
Tagged from -> sarahAiyo sarah ask me do this , boring then do lor =D i went to sarah's blog and...THE 3RD PICTURE=.= zomg!!!! " not cute lor she =x'' ---- ARE YOU... -single? : Duh.. -happy? : Maybe -bored? : YEA VERY! thats why i am doing this. -fair? : FAIR??dont know. -italian? : =.='' -intelligent? : Compare to who ?If compare to with my whole family i dumb . -honest? : yea, white lie mah =x -nice? : To friends that know me well . -irish? : No -asian? : Of course ! TEN FACTS: -full name:Raphael Tay Wei Hao -nicknames:Raphy,ruffys,MRT-.-, raph, rachel!!!!@.@, raphale.. -birthplace:Singapore.singapore? -natural hair style: pokey! -birthday:3rd May 1996 -mood: BOring -favourite colour:Abargon -one place you would like to visit: North Pole TEN THINGS ABOUT YOUR LOVE LIFE -have you ever been in love? : Dont wanna rmb. -do you believe in love at first sight? : should be evil in first sight =.= -do you currently have a crush? : let me think...Yea..Not from 1B..^^ -have you broken anyone's heart? : yea..and ,i will never do that again, ...she almost cry till no tears..."aiya dont want to rmb already =.=" -have you ever been hurt emotionally? : Yea -have you ever had your heart broken? : isn't it the same as the question on top?? -have you ever liked anyone but was afraid of telling them? : Yea..,who doesnt? -are you afraid of commitment? : Nope -who was the last person you hugged? : Air -who was the last person you said 'i love you' to? : Let me see...chessey =x TEN THIS OR THATS love or lust? love hard liquor or beer? None cats or dogs? Dog!obvious lol! a few best friends or many regular friends? A few of that and bunches or this - Creamy or crunchy? Creamy - Pen or pencil? Pen - Wild night out or romantic night in? Romantic Night - Money or happiness? Happiness - Night or day? Night lar! - IM or phone? I want BOTH TEN HAVE YOU EVERS - Been caught sneaking out? haha... - Seen a polar bear? Yea - Done something you regret? Many 100...200....300 and counting... - Bungee jumped? awesome !!!=D Must try that again! - Eaten food that fell on the floor? Never! - Finished an entire jaw breaker? What is a jaw breaker?lol! - Been caught naked? Depends on what you mean =x.. - Wanted an ex bf/gf back? Hmm .... I WANT!..Still asking her =x - Cried because you lost a pet? Nope - Wanted to disappear? That would be kewl . TEN PREFERENCES IN A PARTNER - Smile or eyes? Smile - Light or dark hair? anything =D - Hugs or kisses? Kisses =x - Shorter or taller? taller than "partner" ok ler. - Intelligence or attraction? Both - Funny or serious? Seriously funny - Older or Younger? age doesn't matter but not too much differ!like 15 and 35 =.= - Outgoing or quiet? Out going! - Sweet or Bad? Sweet TEN HAVE YOUS - Ever performed in front of a large crowd? Counting..1..2..3... - Ever talked on the phone for longer than an hour? yahum - Ever tried walking on your hands? Lol i trip on a toy and landed on my head ..OUCH - Ever been to a rock concert? No..Dont even like rock - Ever been on a cheerleading team? Once. - Ever been on a dance team? nah - Ever been in a drama play/production? yea - Ever owned a BMW, Mercedes Benz, Escalade, Hummer or Bentley? If i could afford =x - Ever been in a rap video? Boring.. TEN LASTS - Last phone call you made? Keith..(the kk one) - Last person you hugged? Air, i tot already asked this Q - Last person you hung out with? My computer - Last time you worked? Charity work counts? - Last person you talked to? Keith , the now one! - Last person you IM'd to ? lazy - Last person you texted? Keith(kk) - Last person(s) you went to the movies with? lazy to rmb - Last person/thing you missed? Chessey - Last website visited? Yahoo? TEN PEOPLE TO DO THIS AH BER AH BER AH BER, lol joking.. Shawn Nara Cheryl Kathy Sister aurelia =D Keith Koh Bernard(i dont really know him, only keith(k) does.) blah blah blah...basically anyone can do this .. Labels: Boring.. ,,,,
Woah -.- 50/50.. ... I hated 1 particular question. Labels: Cheese is nice, chessey is nicer blahblah
lol i am bored so i decided to post all** those in 6B people's nameA->Ahmad B->Brandon Raebon Josh C->Cassandra(tubifex worm LOL),Cheryl Ang,Cynthia D->.........i dont know and dont care E->nope F->Firas,Feng Yu G-> H->Tan Hui Ling( the gongong one lol!),Trini I->Ivan J->Chang JunKang(the clown in classroom),Jacky,Jeremy,Janani,Jason,Jessyln K->Kathy,Kent L->Lee Yee Kien,Lena M->Marshal N->Natalie(shyt i forget spell..) O-> P->PeiYing Q-> R->Me lor :P S->Siya,Sushimita(also forgot spell;X),Sheryl Phua,Sheryl Tan,Siti,Shabana(banana!!) T->Toh Ming Tong U-> V->Victoria w->Wei Kai X->Xavior Y->Yap Te Rong,YongLin,Yong Jun,Yuri Yamaguchi,Yong Kang Z->Zhuo Min Labels: Most Extra post eva the worst day ever..
Freaking ****..Dunno why my mode these days are abit down..i getting fussy up over anything=.=''and 1 more..MY game is closing down ...**** LAR..walao eh how to play gc next time...need to migrate to NAGC..somemore need to retrain walao eh=.='' freak lar i train so hard Elesis->lv 40 Lire->lv31 ARME ->LV 50 WALAO EH TOOK ME SO LONG TO GET TO THIS LEVEL.. Las->lv30 ryan->lv 28 RONAN->LV 40 AND HAVENT GET AEGIS KNIGHT.. Amy->lv 20 i dont think people understand what they mean lol..(those who nvr play gc). During PE yestarday we were like playing some kind of ball game"lazy to rmb" einstein played against rutherford.(geez no haffidz.he was like somehow"sick"and didnt play) so Low Yu joined our team :D.we started playing...Playing..playing...then some rutherford guy:i forgot who" ran with the ball"we are not suppose to do that".so it was like a foul..=.=i say"we cant run with the ball...its a foul"then jenyang(like he always do)"shouted"aiya shuddap lar raphael,always say foul foul"..then he like talktalktalk.i say 1 word he say like 40!"never admit his mistake one..lol..then Low Yu asked me to ignore him..plaplay play..JenYang acci caught the ball in the "out" zone so i just said out..then jenyang started saying"shaddap lar..not out.not even out"low yu was like getting fed up over this lol..and somemore(no insults quanJun)he also said"aiya raphael u cheater not out lar"i was like wdf?I was actually saying it really...but both of the freaking bastards sore one.. lol but i learn to keep cool"from the game i played(gc)it taught me how to be not a sore loser,=.= walao eh gc closing in 14 april....TT'' What is worse?i caught the ball near the out zone and jenyang shouted"rutherford's ball,give lar raphael,it is already out.."another wdf word appeared in my mind lol=.=Nvm lar just a game,just venting my anger..then after we gathered at the Mr lim place,JenYang was like a KPO guy liadet,saying"RAPHAEL VERY SORE LEH,ABIT ONLY FOULFOUL FOUL,RUTHERFORD TRASHED EISTEIN(I dont really care about the trashing part)he was like talking crap and talking,i wanted to shut his mouth but Low Yu told me to calm down(thnks Low Yu..)lol and somemore my history got a "C6 "wdf=.=it is really "FRIDAY THE 13TH"..but i dont like playing with jenyang..and no insults hor Naunidh,Low Yu hates you alot=.=he say what big mouth and liadet..and low yu ask me to spread Naunidh's ex crush(i think some/most people know liao) (X)NAUNIDH LIKES FARAHDINHA(ps i duuno spel..)seriously naundih doesnt like her anymore is the " NAUNIDH LIKES FARAHDINHA" part is like over . cheers,(i cant really cheers=.=) i really dont care about now.. love...chessey :X(You all shure dont know who is she) Labels: Evatryvela TestTest
Lol i just did this personality test i got from marin guess what i got?12%.No lar jk see below.Your score on this personality test was 76% Lol i really That kind meh?-.-Others see you as an exciting, highly volatile, rather impulsive personality; a natural lead, who's quick to make decisions, though not always the right ones. They see you as bold and adventuresome, someone who will try anything once; someone who takes chances and enjoys an adventure. They enjoy being in your company because of the excitement you radiate. Dunno?? Labels: =D Tired and stuffy
GEEEZFeels kinda weird doing another new blog,miss my old blog-Not the project crush one-.Somehow i feel to create this blog and let my old one(btw it is locked) decompose lol!Today at school first thing ghtat came up to me was Sze Min,lol!I was just waking up then suddenly she said "HI?"suddenly scare me sia..I tot was somehow a ghost=.=(no insults hor Szemin).Blahblahblah...then came history..Oh shyt=.= Mdm Liz gave us back our History paper...Guess what i got?i freaking 10half/20..happy to pass but =.= walao eh this kind of results,btw i didnt study =P..That hasbi beside me keep saying"haha i fail..haha..nvm next term .i also nvr study..hahaha." he was crazy=.=.Haffidz hair was like barely bald,and i said that to him,then he called me "haircist" LOL..First was Colourist"(becuz i said he was abit dark=.=) then haircist..i wonder what "cist" will he come up next.. We were like rushing for project crush,Mdm Guna was talking to the Trainer"Better hurry up and let them off at 1:30 or else they will be late,at 1:30 i must see them finish" the trainer was like,wth,how to finish by that time..not like i want to be late u know?And then jeddrick was panicking about the presentation,shawn was like"JEDDRICK YOU RELAX LAR..SO WORKED UP FOR WHAT.."He was almost pale white..->@.@ ...Then that stupid presentation came..shawn told them to line up and talk slides by slides,jeddrick was first to say then he suddenly push me infront and ran to the back..i was like.what freaking hell you doing JEDDRICK?Then when that Jin Jye presented..he was like staggering,"er ..uh ..aiya u say lar shawn!" we were like forcing him to say lol..he was sometimes stubborn=.=so i just rush infront to present..I was thinking"wdf?Jin Jye you so ********!!" After that we went to the bedok sports hall,Me and melissa and wan lin was like chatting all the way,besides playing 'concentration' with hongsheng,keith,nicholas,low yu,naunidh,joey and melissa.->Found out about reason why wan lin dislikes some boys in class.->Melissa reject to joey..lol joey was like" THANK YOU..MELISSA" he was crazy=.=''We went to mac donalds after that and chatted and laugh like hell =.=''then keith started talking about the spoon saucer and tissue paper relating to something( i still dont know OK?)and sarah choked on her coke and her face started turning EXTREME red..she look like =.= indescribable then keith could"nt continue his saucer story...(played the matchmake game) LOL and we put Shu En and Ahmad together..ROFLMAO..then suddenly we say Angelica and Shawn LOL...Wah so funny sia we matchmake till crazy=.= Most crazy time ever.. Hope to have a 6B reunion soon :D Labels: =X. |