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so sleep alone tonight
Hello there, I'm a 13-year-old male student and a Teekayear who resides in super sunny Singapore.I like tissue paper but I'm not a fan of chocolate. I walk around Orchard Road every weekend in my carrot costume. I've figured that I already lost my sanity a long time ago. Hehe,perhaps he ruffy has his Laughteras a hobby :D. Well,Laugh all thou shall hav fun:D. |
About this blog
This blog was opened by Raphael to accommodate his mindless musings and daily rantings.Do enjoy your stay here, and don't take what's not yours! affiliates
AngelicaAurelia Cheryl Ang Dawn Desirene FengYu Jolene Kathy Keith Koh Keithy Marin(takoyaki) Melissa MunKeong Nara Nic Ong Sarah Shawn Sheryl Tan Siya Shu En Sze Min Victoria Wei Chieh Sze Min archives
Design: doughnutcrazyIcon: morphine_kissed Do credit accordingly if you changed the icon. |
Hi people! long time no blogged lor..busy doing either revising my mid years (i am finally revising for the first time =D) ..Haha science was seemingly very interesting today.not the marks part but the intestine part ..Finally ! CAN smack shawn rite at his FACE...He got the lowest among we 4.heres the result follows.....Dawn=24m....Melissa=23m.....Me!!=24m....Shawn=22m(lol he was furious as he just needed 1 MARK to A1 lor! Melissa was like "i kill you lar raphael!1 mark lose to you!" haha=!...oh i beforehand i promised Wan Lin that she will be the highest in our class!!see...!my prophecy was rite lor ^^!..(well not really,it is obvious.totally...)i wondered who fail though..kinda pity that person .but promisingly the sci test was easy,compared to the 1st one.argh!! still got tommorow till Labour day<3!!! with art test that i "faired well", managed to complete my first leaf, hahax 2nd leaf tmr..ok now going to do the quiz!!!THANKS to sarah JANE.-O-1: What's the colour of your shirt today ? White top & erm...some boxer pants ? 2: Are you wearing any contacts lenses recently ? I dont want..once i wore it and it kinda got stuck in my eyes..since then got phobia of contact lense..!! 3: Do you know of anyone who likes you right now ? Once..But i was a jerk o-o(ok i admitted!) 4: Do you love the person who last gave you a message ? YESH!...And (was) lurving her <3 5: Is anyone in your family pregnant ? No Dunno..Maybe my cousin's gf ? lols and both are 18 FYI o-o 6: At what age do you want to get married ? Find the perfect mate then settle down .^^ 7: Are you listening to any songs ? "Don't forget the lyrics" keke.. 8: What will you be sleeping with ? My blanket and bed ..? 9: What's the colours of your room ? white , silver , lust 10: Who have you featured in your friendster ? I prefer facebook ==! 11: Have your featured friends gone to your house before ? What is featured? 12: Have you bathed ? 5 minutes ago? oh and joey didnt bathe today!! no wonder he puts on deodarent!hehe 13: Would you ever tell a person you love the person ? giddy-up! Choo-Choo-! Lol! 14: What's your plan for your next birthday ? Keke my birthday this sunday!!!but walao 1 day before ENGLISH PAPER 1..my plan is that it is not in exam period!!! 15: Who's birthday was just over ? Did not went to find out 16: When's your birthday ? This SUNDAY 3RD MAY!!! presento dozo! 17: Are you wearing any nail polishes now ? If i was a gay ,i would o-o == 18 : Who's at home ? Mom & basically maid! Dad went to US for business trip! 19: Ever had sex on the first date ? WC will be interested in this "topic" .Of course no lar !!!DUH..maybe next time LOL! 20: What's on the table nearest to you ? My Remote control.^^ 21: Who are you looking at ? Computer screen..? 22: Do you sleep with your bears ? Giddy-up!-Choo-choo-!when i was younger ...(: 23: Still keep your barbie dolls ? walao no lar of course -.- 24: Do you have any ex-boyfriend/ex-girlfriend ? "Shuffles hair,eyes throbbing" No have i very pure and guai..keke.... 25: Do you like anyone now ? Should be bah.... 26: What bottom are you wearing now ? pants?obvious! 27: Who is the one closest to you ? My TV! 28: What time do you sleep everyday ? Not like Jane buay ta han.. sometimes i sleep at 11-12 pm 29:What is your CCA ? TK NccSea! 30: What do you do if you are in bad mood ? I'll check p-33n..LOLS JK no lar i not that bad..maybe smash tables and stuffs 31: Do you have any friendster or MSN ? Like everyone has an MSN == 32: What school are you from ? RivervalePS!! Tee Kay SS 33What is your class in school ? 1D!(nicholas will shout in and uncanny voice-1D!!!!!)♥ 34: Do you have any class T-shirt ? Our class is like a procrastinating class..think but no do 35: Do you like your class ? I cant answer this now.. 36: Who is your form teacher ? Ms Pauline Heng~! 37: Do you like shopping with your friends ? No..If shopping for games maybe ya? 38: Do you like schooling ? Sometimes yes sometimes NO 39: Do you want to transfer school ? YESH!!!FOR THE 1000th TIME YESH >)--)> 40: How many ex-boyfriends/girlfriends do you have ? About the amount of times LAB said ( Kou wu fen) >)^^)>hahax...actually if u want i tell youx.x 41: Who do you like right now ? "its too late to apologize.....,its too late(eh,eh,eh,)" huh o.o? 42: If you like that person , would you tell him/her you love her ? Dont people know that guys must make the first move o-o? 43: Besides your lips , where is your favourite spot to get kissed ? hehe ^^^^....... 44: How do you feel when you woke up this morning ? SWINEY 45: Who was the last person you took a picture with ? My fencing frenz!! 46: Would you consider to be spoilt ? Comparing with Mk i am not...:D 47: Would you ever donate blood ? Shure!!!!Donate more then become bloodless LOL 48: Do you have a good friend in the opposite sex ? I HAVE LOADS OF THEM!!! woooohooo ... lols(lazy so copy& paste from SJ) 49: Do you want somebody dead ? I am not evil ya??ya 'all Get the fact rite 50: What does your last text message says ? "Another reminder" =) 51: What are you thinking of right now ? "why this quiz so long! "& "why she thinks i like her,thinks too highly of herself." 52: Did you wish someone was with you right now ? Lalalala~boohoohoo~ 53: When did you go to sleep last night ? 1am =P 54: Where did you bought your T-shirt you are wearing right now ? Like 6 years ago o-o 55: Is someone in your mind right now ? Depends.. 56: Who was the last person who texted you ? My swine! All in my links and all who read this "will" do!!!!!! Terms & conditions *apply =d INTRO ;Real name : Raphael Tay Wei Hao.<- hmm.. Male or female : Male Primary School : Rivervale Primary School(<3) Secondary School : Tanjong Katong Secondary School (:D) JC/Poly : Btw what is USO?lol idk but maybe JC Hair color : black brown o.o? Tall or short : 149-150short ==? Loud or Quiet : depends on the adaptation of the environment o.o Phone or Camera : Camera phone will me cool ! Health freak : Not sure. Drink or Smoke? : Drank a cup of ice mocha o.o Do you have a crush on someone? : Maybe..lalala~lalala~ Piercings : No == its a waste of time +money Tattoos : Not now == Long or short hair : Short Shorts or skirts : SHORTS!like duh..which guy wear shorts == Boy or girl : BOY!! ♥HAVE YOU EVER; Been in an airplane : Like duh . Been in a relationship : I dont care anything NOW.. (>--)> Been in a car accident : Yea and it waste dumb Been in a fist fight : My cousin =D FIRSTS; First piercing : Never wanted First best friend : Keith Koh =D First award : Running 4x100 relay =D First crush : K2 .Lol ^^ First kiss : blahblahblah~^^... First vacation : Is skool counted o.o? LASTS; Last person you talked to : My dog. Last person you Msg : Melissa Last person(s) you watched a movie with : K-K Last food you ate : Pork ribs <3 Last movie you watched : 90210 Last song you listened to : Christina (hurt) Last thing you bought : Noodles =) Last person you hugged : Idk o-o. LOVES; Food : Abalone!who doesnt =x? Drinks : hmm.. Clothing : Idk :D Books : Terrorist o.o Songs : Unlimited-_---_---Pop & R&b ^^ Flower : idk Colors : Aquamarine Movies : Idk o-o. Phrase : I never do my homework . ( Lols i always say that to jane =) Subjects : Geography rocks to the CORE <- TOTALLY agree with WC [x] Kissed in the snow [x] Celebrated Halloween [x] Had your heart broken [x] Went over the minutes on your cell phone [x] Someone questioned your sexual orientation [x] Came out of the closet [ ] Gotten pregnant [ ] Had an abortion [x] Done something you've regretted [x]Broke a promise [x] Hid a secret [x] Pretended to be happy [x] Met someone who changed your life [x] Pretended to be sick [x] Left the country [x] Tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked it [x] Cried over the silliest thing [x] Ran a mile [x] Went to the beach with your best friend(s) [x] Stay single the whole year. (when i was a toddler .^^) CURRENTLY; Eating : i know sarahJANE eating like a PIG(MUNCHMUNCH) ;D Drinking : Air Listening : Extra tv . Plans for tomorrow : Well..== idk Waiting for : Future Wearing : Kampong-styled clothings o.o YOUR FUTURE; Want kids : Lol o-o Want to get married : Yay? >> Careers in mind : Physicist, Marine Biologist(NOT marin-biologist..dont get wrong idea) WHICH IS BETTER WITH GIRLS (Wc edited); Lips or eyes : Sweet eyes o-o Shorter or taller : Shorter? :D Romantic or spontaneous : Both Nice stomach or nice arms : Arms Sensitive or loud : depends Hook up or relationship:Both .Keke.. Troublemaker or hesitant: Hesitant?? HAVE YOU EVER; Lost glasses/contacts : never Ran away from Home : NEVER .o-o Hold a gun/knife for self defense : yah..^^ Killed somebody : Nuu way.. Broken someone's heart : Guess so....FINE yea i did == Been arrested : Someone** arrested my heart but released it.. Cried when someone died : somehow isnt this a stupid Q DO YOU BELIEVE IN; Yourself : Not really Miracles : Yea ^^ Love at first sight : Hehe ~ Heaven : Maybe? Santa Claus : I just like the presents and $$ gifts :D Sex on the first date : == LOL i am underaged! Kiss on the first date : ~~~~ ANSWER TRUTHFULLY; Is there one person you want to be with right now : Currently i am regretting my actions towards someone ._.'' Do you believe in God : At times when exam or competition yes o-o Trouble-maker or hesitant : Hesitant Phew done!.. oh and everyone who sees this MUST do this =D Chao! Quiz Time! 1.Had a relationship with someone? lalala----- what is a relationship =x? 2.Kissed someone on the lips? .....I am pure ok? =D 3.Gotten a kiss indirectly/directly from the opposite sex? lalala....k fine lar YES.!!?happy? 4.Thought about se*? If you are a guy you will know it o.o..''ESPECIALLY WC 5.Held hands with a boy/girl? Hai. 6.Had a crush on someone? Like No...o//O . okok have == 7.Talk about private stuff with the opposite sex? *cough* . yea? 8.Had a boy comb your hair with their fingers? Is this stupid or what == siao arh boy comb my hair !! Or isit vice versa o.o? If vice versa then *cough* ..=X... Tagged 7 people and they have to do the Quiz! 1.Wan Lin 2.Then person who likes to say (NUUU>>>)You bet it!Melissa 3.Big HEad JANE lols jk-> sarah JANE 4.Shi Quan 5.Wei Chieh 6.Low Yu-> he got blog meh? 7.EVERYONE can do? Type Your First Name With: Your Fingers:Raphael == Your Chin:reaPHael (lol!) One Fingers,One Eyes Closed:raphael. Easy leh! Your Elbow:raqphaqel!Urgghhh!!!where did the Q's come from = ='' Your Nose:terjaoiaphilel!!! Arggghhhh!!! Your Palm:Raphael. hehe o.o lll-lll-lll
Well, just wanted to say a few things.Dear Gc sea...its been fun playing this game, haha... will keep many memories of gc <3`` To all those who taught me the skills, Thank you <3> (shifu)-zakatsuto( i still DIDNT get his name), Sanguinius , And to all those who made my time fun there ^^ ->Diablo , MouseC , Godbeloved , Tenshinohane(~~~), xjojojx (o.o''), Chessey , Kenny , evilgamerz ,Wildtanker, (truthfully) RoyaltySL ,Yalun and more.... And to all whose i screwed i will continue screwing you =D.. Asiasoft closes a total of 5 games and they said they will improve better.so what are the sacrifices for.. - KongKongSea -DarknessAndLightSea -PanyaSea now grandchasesea. =='' Most ppl call them FailSoft.=='' Well, for me i am NOT going back to ANY asiasoft games anymore.they wil just keep closing . Playing NAGC,TWGC . ---------------- g2g revise my chinese(1st time )...byes Labels: fall Pushhhrss!
Aha updating my blog...since i seldom go and update it. Below is the "thingy"Tagged from: Marin LOVE LIFE ! 1) Are you single or taken? Single .>=d 2) Have you been in a relationship with any girl/boy before? If yes,who? Of course lar ==''. s******** ,*y**,p****** 3) What do you see in a girl/boy at first sight? Nose o.o? Lol joking..scientist says that at first sight ppl will look at eyes so i guess its eyes o.o? 4) Has anyone confessed to you before? Yea. 5) Has anyone said you were very handsome/pretty? Is cute considered o.o?haha jk.. i think i dont know leh.. 6) If you were forced to like someone in primary school who will it be? Ehehe..-_-'' maybe Desirene o.oNONONONO NEVER!!!Sarah if you reading this dont spread or whatever is not true!!!!!!..JOKING<- .... To sarah J.->AND NO I DON"T LIKE HER) 7) If you were forced to like someone in secondary school who will it be? Ahber LOL...NO WAY ==''..idk 8) Has any girl/boy kissed you before? besides saying" eww magor gross" like marin, i guess i would just say NO!..And i am clean =D 9) Do you like anyone of the opposite gender? Duh..?Who likes a person of the same gender...unless.... 10) Who is the most handsome/pretty in your heart? Well...Most pretty ""was""" desirene o.o''..NAH NONONO!!! NO WAY...PUKE...VOMIT... YOUR LIFE! 1) How tall are you? Around 150+cm? 2) Whats your weight? 38kg =D 3) Do you have short,medium or long hair? SHORT!! 4) Do you like make-ups? =='''What is this..!!!!! 5) When did you stop pissing in your bed? Rofl.....i guess K1 ..? 6) Would you rather eat or sleep? Eat 7) Would you rather cheat or steal? Neither 8) How long do you bathe? 3-5mins? 9) What's your hobby? Lets see...Eating..Sleeping and researching ( i not geek/nerd)! ? 10) Do you like ice-cream? Depends on the weather FRIENDS(primary) 1) Who is the prettiest? Oh gosh...== desirene?(AND SARAH.J I DONT LIKE HER...) 2) Who is the most handsome? I don't know leh ?6B ah._.'' 3) Who is the smartest? Ahh!! Keith koh~! 4) Who is the stupidest? Jia Lor Me 5) Who is the most popular girl and boy in class? Girl: Natalie/Sushi. Boy: Er?? Maybe Ahmad?? 6) Who is well liked by opposite gender? I dont understand.. 7) Which boy & girl are you the closest to? Boy: KK, Lormee!,Yong lin and alot more! Girl: Natelie!!, Sushi,and LPY? 8) Who is the most hated boy/girl? CHEE YUAN...well that was insulting... 9) Who is the most hyper person in class? JUN KANG!! 10) Who makes you laugh alot? JUN KANG FRIENDS(secondary) 1) Who is the prettiest? ????=='' 2)Who is the most handsome? Hmm.. frankly speaking no one is in my mind..maybe Zubair? 3) Who is the smartest? WAN LIN. 4) Who is the stupidest? Lol..maybe Nicholas and Wen xuan jk lar.. 5) Who is the most popular girl and boy in class? dont know?? 6) Who is well liked by opposite gender? ahh..~.~ 7) Which boy & girl are you the closest to? Girl: melissa( and no low yu dont be jealous FYI..Me and her are frens..GET IT?)Wan Lin,Aurelia<3, Angelica,Fareh Boy: Dawn!!->Balehkampong maid rofl-- ,Jojo(jia jun),and many more ... 8) Who is the most hated boy/girl? Dont hav..? 9) Who is the most hyper person in class? DAWN!!haha...guess its AURELIA<3 10) Who makes you laugh alot? The solo "armed" person,HASBI! 2) CHERYL ANG 3) NARA 4) KEITH 5) AURELIA 6) SHI QUAN 7) WEI CHIEH 8) KATHY 9) MELISSA 10)KEITH 11)SHAWN 12)SZE MIN 13)YOU! And YOU and YOU 14)and YOU! EVERYONE must do this!!! Flat Iron
Hmm...i was just jumping blogs and saw this quiz so decided to take it. i really dont know if i am that (^) kind of ppl. Still trying to guess WC crush.. hmph.. ahaha.. Yestarday i tried to talk to her, but she ignored me...she didnt even cared about me.. why hasnt she forgiven me..i already apologize . i really want to make up with her...even becoming friends would be good liao..== Labels: but easy to break., Sometimes i think that being in it is hard to keep |